I make no guarantee that this software will perform to any set of anyone's standards. It should never fail, because it does not do any mumbo-jumbo (like Suitcase™ or Master Juggler™).
Installation Instructions
1 Set the following control panels:
- Color - Set the highlight color to something besides that default 'Black...' (recommended).
- Extensions Manager (enable these and restart) - AppleScript™, Finder Scripting Extension* (required).
- General Controls - Protect System Folder OFF (required).
2 Launch Fonts Manager™ (automatic installation).
* Make sure you have a 'Scripting Additions' folder in your Extensions folder that has the standard 7.5 items (about 10 items at least). If you have a non-US system, please be aware that 'Finder Scripting Extension' and 'Scripting Additions' will be spelled differently.
Troubleshooting Questions & Answers
Q: I've just downloaded the new version of Fonts Manager™, but I have many 'Sets' saved in the old version. What now?
A: Run the old version ONE MORE TIME, and select 'Export for update…' from the 'Help' menu. This will transfer your 'Sets' to the new version the first time it is launched.
Q: When I launch Fonts Manager™, I immediately see a dialog box with a -1757 error, and the application 'hangs'. What now?
A: The problem is that AppleScript™ cannot find crucial tools to work with, namely the items in the Scripting Additions folder in the Extensions folder. Reinstalling 7.5.x (or 'clean install') will fix this. You should normally see about 10 or more items in the Scripting Additions folder.
Q: When I launch Fonts Manager™, I eventually see a dialog box with a 5032 error, and the application 'hangs'. What now?
A: The problem is that 'Protect System Folder' is ON in General Controls. Turn if OFF, and launch Fonts Manager™ again (to Force Quit, hold down option-command-escape).
Q: When I launch Fonts Manager™, the application 'hangs'. What now?
A: The problem might be that you have a duplicate Fonts folder in your Preferences folder, which may contain your fonts. Remove the duplicate, replacing your Fonts correctly, and launch Fonts Manager™ again (to Force Quit, hold down option-command-escape). Version 1.5.1 and later, if it ever fails, will fail 'gently', and leave your Fonts folder where it belongs (in the System Folder).
Version History
Slightly modified the font manipulation routines to leave the ATM™ Multiple Master (MM) fonts alone.
Revised the Preference to customize the ' Fonts (Managed)' alias in your Apple Menu.
Russian MacOS now supported!
Added a Preference setting to customize the ' Fonts (Managed)' alias in your Apple Menu. You may call it what you wish.
Compatible with ATM™ version 3.8.2 and later.
Added an Export feature to save the 'Sets' you've created for use with a later version of Fonts Manager™, should you continue to acquire/download newer versions.
Fixed a small problem in the French version.
Romanian MacOS now supported.
Small fix for Danish and Dutch versions.
MORE Localized MacOS support: US, Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Kanji, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.